Truman Followers

Superior Essays
As told by President Harry Truman, “In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” Leadership has always played pivotal role in every achievement one has ever accomplished. We in every stage of our lives, come across many people who lead the way and set a path for others to take and accomplish. I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion as told by Alexander the great, Leadership is a virtue.

If i have to take a moment to consider people who had significant influence in my life, i would definitely start wit my Dad. "Like father like son”. There are a few people who
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Trust is the basic and most human instinct brain plays with all the time. To set a goal for oneself and achieve it, trust that the goal can be achieved plays a very crucial role at every point of one’s struggle. Leaders at every point strive to get the trust of followers unless otherwise the leader’s vision can never be envisioned by his followers. Leaders who can successfully persuade others to trust them will evidence certain behaviors such as they themselves will be skilled at trusting because trusting and trustworthiness enhance each other. They will operate from clear set of principles and values, as selfish or opportunistic moves will be clearly seen and …show more content…
In this way they determine our effectiveness as leaders. As a developer i see nothing but potential in others. I also believe that no individual is full formed. We are all works in progress. As a developer i will try to determine the standards and limits set forth by the member in terms of taking risks and access them thoroughly so that i can come up with a creative plan that enhances his skills to be put to use in a better way to enhance leadership goals. Belief is the foremost thing a leader should always have and making others to believe something great will incur upon them and gives success. Enhancing the ways he believes in setting his standards high and sticking to them will reinforce his beliefs and makes him to effectively stick to his path of success. Believing is achieving and achieving is

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