I am doing my biome essay on the Tropical Rainforest the reason I did this biome is because it has the most animals and we get most of our medicine from the rainforest. I will be talking about how we are losing the Tropical Rainforest from deforestation. I also will talk about the organisms such as plants and animals that are in Tropical Rainforest. The climate will be a big part in this essay also. Here is my essay on the Tropical Rainforest.
The Tropical Rainforest is close to the equator and it makes up six percent of the earth's land surface.The rainforest is made up of four layers the emergent, the upper canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. It gets up to an average of 50 to 260 inches of rain …show more content…
The medicines we get from here are big part for us because if we lose those medicines then we will lose a whole bunch of people from cancers and many other diseases. The widespread destruction of tropical rainforest ecosystems is destroying many animals and plants we get medicines from.These drugs had an estimated retail value of US $43 billion in 1985. About 4,000 plant species have been shown to offer possibilities.
There are many different animals that live in the Tropical Rainforest such as Anacondas, Toucans and Piranhas.The most dangerous animal in the Tropical Rainforest is the Poison Dart Frog. Theses poisonous frogs have a bright color on their skin to warn other predators that they are poisonous. Only 10 people die by poison dart frogs every year. They lay one to 40 eggs per clutch. Another common animal found in the Tropical Rainforest is the Green Anaconda this animal can grow up to be at least 20 to 30 feet long. It can weigh up to 550 pounds that is the roughly the same amount as a school bus. There are 40,000 different plants in the Tropical Rainforest. Some of theses plants in