The noticeable symptom is a person actually pulling their hair so much that eventually a bald spot is created and they feel a sense of relief or pleasure when pulling the hair (Chamberlain, Menzies, Sahakian, & Fineberg 2007). That is because the individual was most likely triggered to pull out their hair. Which would be considered as focused pulling because focused pulling “involves pulling that is done intentionally, often to decrease an unpleasant urge to pull or a negative emotional experience” (Woods 2013). There are five categories that can trigger pulling: environmental, motoric, sensory, affective, and cognitive (Stemberger, R.M.T., Stein, D.J., & Mansueto, C.S. 2013 cited in Dia
The noticeable symptom is a person actually pulling their hair so much that eventually a bald spot is created and they feel a sense of relief or pleasure when pulling the hair (Chamberlain, Menzies, Sahakian, & Fineberg 2007). That is because the individual was most likely triggered to pull out their hair. Which would be considered as focused pulling because focused pulling “involves pulling that is done intentionally, often to decrease an unpleasant urge to pull or a negative emotional experience” (Woods 2013). There are five categories that can trigger pulling: environmental, motoric, sensory, affective, and cognitive (Stemberger, R.M.T., Stein, D.J., & Mansueto, C.S. 2013 cited in Dia