By selling this oil, Dubai was able to generate revenues for themselves and help develop infrastructure, while also helping a MDC who may be in need of electricity. This can be furthermore beneficial for a developing country if they have a resource which is highly in demand like natural gas, as they can charge higher prices which will help them grow. In addition, there have been various organisations like the ‘world trade organisation’ who’s aim is to establish trade worldwide without taxes which might make poorer countries unable to trade. This is a benefit to poorer countries as they would be able to trade with a large variety of countries, and large volumes of trade will help them on a larger scale. Trade of this calibre can improve the standard of living for developing countries since the GDP will rise, and trade will act as a long term, sustainable way for a country to make …show more content…
For trade to work effectively and for rapports to be established between countries, one would assume that factors like capitalism and democracies are strong. With both of these, there is a hunger for a stronger GDP and development for the benefit of the country. However, within socialistic, communistic countries like Cuba, the idea of trade might only be approved if it benefits the party involved. This is a problem and suggests that a country run by communistic or dictatorships might only trade if there is a direct benefit for the dictator. To add, poorer countries may have