Huxley shows all throughout the book that no matter what citizens do they will still be suppressed in some manner. This means that no one will feel jealous of the next, and that society with always stable. This can be a warning to people today not to fall for everything they are told. To stop a totalitarian government from taking over people need to stay independent, questioned what they are told, and be weary of dangerous technology. If citizens in the Brave New World did this they could become a new progressive society that can make leaps and bounds towards a better
Huxley shows all throughout the book that no matter what citizens do they will still be suppressed in some manner. This means that no one will feel jealous of the next, and that society with always stable. This can be a warning to people today not to fall for everything they are told. To stop a totalitarian government from taking over people need to stay independent, questioned what they are told, and be weary of dangerous technology. If citizens in the Brave New World did this they could become a new progressive society that can make leaps and bounds towards a better