Many people assumed that right before you die, you will see their life flash before your eyes. But, for Anders, it was a bit different. Wolff describes that he did not remember any thing that he spent his whole life focusing on. Such as, he does not remember his first love, his wife, his daughter playing with her teddy bears, the hundreds of poems he had committed to memory in his youth. Also he did not remember when he began to regard the heap of books on his desk with boredom and dread, or when he grew angry at writers for writing them. However, he remembered one particular scene from his childhood. As Wolff writes “This is what he remembered. Heat. A baseball field. Yellow grass, the whirr of insects, himself leaning against a tress as the boys of the neighborhood gather for a pickup game.” Anders only remembered a boyhood game of neighborhood baseball on a hot, insect-buzzed day. In this passage, Wolff depicts Anders’s memory very peacefully. According to the memories of his childhood, one of the players brought his cousin from Mississippi, who is asked what position he wants to play. Wolff writes that the boy who came from Mississippi answered “Shortstop. Short’s the best position they is.” Anders was fascinated by the moment. As Wolff stated earlier, he does not remember many important things in his life. But he remembers even a small detail of his childhood. Moreover, Wolff writes: The other will think he’s being jerk, ragging the kid for his grammar. But …show more content…
Wolff states “Time for the shadows to lengthen on the grass, time for the tethered dog to bark at the flying ball, time for the boy in the right field to smack his sweat- blackened mitt and softly chant, They is, they is, they is.” It is sound of those last two words which captivates Anders. It might have been the beginning of Anders’s life as a critic. In the present, he critiques for a living, moreover he criticized everything. He wasted his whole life by just being a jerk. According to Wolff, when the boy answered with incorrect grammar, Anders thought that “The others will think he’s being a jerk, ragging the kid for his grammar. But that isn’t it, not at all”. Anders loss of innocence and childhood. Also, this moment in his life is directly link to his early death. Because he can not distinguish between his job and personal life. Wolff depicts, Anders has something rude to say at all times in the story, even while a man is pointing a gun at him. So the robber gets so frustrated with this annoying man that he ends up shooting him. When he dies, he has to flashback all the way back to his childhood to remember when he wasn’t judging which means He regret his whole life and his