Many people believe the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee should be censored for many reasons. According to the …show more content…
It has been translated into more than 40 languages.” (Tanenhaus). Mockingbird was published in 1960 and still today is still selling millions of copies in many different languages, a very successful novel that is has been out for fifty-five years. Harper Lee’s success is well deserved not only because Mockingbird is a great literary work, but because it is a very factual reenactment of history, which is why Mockingbird is an important book to read in school. As Mary Dempsey of Chicago Public Library said “It’s exciting partly because this book deals with important themes like civil rights and social justice, but it’s also about creating a culture reading” (Tanenhaus). Mockingbird not only speaks about civil rights issues, and the fact that social justice used to not happen for black citizens but it also helps people want to learn even more about these racial issues. Mockingbird is a piece of history that wouldn’t have the same meaning to those who read it if it becomes censored, the novel does use explicit language but people have to understand that words like “Nigger” were always used to describe a black person in the …show more content…
After hearing this it made me think that there are too many reasons why a book could be censored, and something that could offend someone may not offend another person, or vise versa. Everyone has differing views which makes it incredibly difficult to decide who should censor books, and what they should censor. No two people have the exact same view on situations, and so the people that decide what is censored would have to compromise, which we know from our very own government that compromise is not an easy thing and sometimes seems virtually impossible. It’s just not logical to change the writing of an author either. They are very methodical with their choice of words, and editors or censors can change the meanings of their writings. Writers use underlying lessons throughout their writing and to change the words they use can and will change the lessons they want people to learn by reading their books or