“To Kill A Mockingbird” is about a young girl, Scout, living in the deep south with her father Atticus and brother Jem. The biggest thing Scout thought could happen was Arthur Radley coming out of his house, and what adventures Jem, Dill and her would go on in the summer, but later she …show more content…
Atticus was a whole different person before “‘. . . Atticus Finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County in his time’” (Lee 112). When Miss Maudie tells Scout and Jem that Atticus used to be the best shot, neither of them could believe it. Their father, probably the most level headed and humble person they ever met had hidden part of his past “Nevertheless, he refuses to use his background as an excuse to hold himself above others and instead is a model of tolerance and understanding” (“To Kill a Mockingbird”). Atticus appeared to Scout and Jem as an old boring man who always led by example, but in reality, he had lived and breathed a whole different life before