In a landmark Supreme Court case dated back to 1969, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District made a large impact on the rights of children in schools. Mary Beth Tinker and her friends were suspended for wearing armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The Court's decision emphasized that students do not forfeit their freedom of speech or expression while at school, setting a precedent for kids' freedom of speech.
The influence of Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District extended beyond its ruling, shaping court decisions. Cases like Morse v. Frederick in 2007 upheld schools authority to restrict student speech that could be seen as promoting drug use, highlighting the enduring relevance of the Tinker case …show more content…
Des Moines Independent School District continues to be a landmark case in the determination of student's rights to freedom of speech and expression in schools. The legacy of this case is reflected in the way courts address issues related to student expression, especially when dealing with situations such as social media posts, off-campus speech or controversial clothing decisions. Recent legal fights have brought into focus an argument that is still ongoing: what should be included in students' rights, particularly given the digital age? Also at stake is how free speech can be maintained and ensure that an educational environment remains safe and inclusive.
My thoughts on the Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District case lead me to agree with the ruling. Even though I acknowledge the significance of maintaining the free speech rights of students, I feel that it is just as important to take into account the repercussions of that speech on the school community. The standard established by Tinker walks a fine line between letting students speak their minds and making sure what they do does not interfere with how others are learning or their own rights, a tightrope act worth applause for its sensitivity and insight into both sides of this complex