On March 28, 1979, the most serious and dangerous accident in the United States nuclear power operation took place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Due to this event, the world viewed power plants differently and more training became mandatory. Eventually, the Institute for Nuclear power operations (INPO) was created. The Three Mile Island or TMI 2 is a big nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania. “A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor.”(wiki.pg1). This event took place on the machine TMI-2. It all began at 4:00 a.m. on March 28 when the feed pump stopped working. Without the pump working the turbine water could not remove any of the heat from the water. This stopped the …show more content…
It had closed 42 hours before the incident and it worked perfectly. The workers didn't check it perfectly and made some simple errors. As the machine was losing water it was also getting hotter. A tank of water automatically started to dump to cool the reactor. The pressure indicator was telling the workers the pressure was full of water. The workers then turned off the entering water. With no water to remove all of the heat, the fuel pellets began to melt. At 6:18 a.m. workers concluded that the PORV was opened. Once they realized this they closed it and turned the water pumps back on. At the time many people thought that nothing was burned, but 60% of the core …show more content…
Nine months after the accident, the INPO was formed to encourage the highest level of reliability and safety in operating power plants. In 1979, about two weeks after the accident “ President Jimmy Carter appointed a 12- member commission, headed by the late John Kemeny, then president of Dartmouth College, to investigate what had happened and the possible impact on the health and safety of the public and plant personnel.” (NEI pg.1). The commission's report recommended that the industry develop its own standards of excellence. The report also recommended training institutions for nuclear power plants. After the power Plant received this news the NRC moved quickly to investigate. It also reached the same conclusions as the