People were socially, economically and politically affected by the Reformation, which was instilled in the sixteenth century. The Catholic Church was reformed in Germany in Western Europe, then to other parts of and later to other parts of the world. This move was initiated officially by Martin Luther in 1517, who challenged the church of Roman for selling indulgences. Martin’s initiative occurred when he discussed his disappointments by posting ninety-five theses and directing them to the church authorities. The church was excluded from power, and parliament, city and royal councils formed as a result of the reformation. By 1700, Protestant countries had overtaken the income of all the Catholic countries. Later, the convergence between Catholics and Protestants occurred in the 1960s. The Catholics sold the forgiveness of sins’ tickets to earn money, while others sold the posts of religion to the willing buyers. The three consequences of reformation are on human capital, economic effects as well as governance. Reformation has had several positive effects on human capital. …show more content…
Human capital and religion were interconnected, and during the Reformation, they contributed to the growth of economies. After its occurrence, education chances were availed to many people since education services were offered. Education improved people’s knowledge and therefore gained knowledge and skills for acquiring better incomes. Protestants opened more girls’ schools alongside boys’ schools and the same time lower literacy rates. Protestants continued to focus on higher primary school enrollment as one way of increasing implementation of obligatory schooling laws while closing the gender gap in education. The female schooling population increased, which led to a reduction of the gap between educated females and males. As a result, female discrimination and violence were rare, and equality was promoted in a great way. Also, the reformation enabled many people to learn different types of writings, which they never knew before. Lastly, there was higher public spending on education which benefited Protestants and enhanced educational performance and test results of military conscripts. The reformation influenced economic development through tax receipts, sharing of work in manufacturing and services, as well as teacher incomes. There was the introduction of the new motive force for hard work where people could save and also invest. The Protestants held disapproval for enterprise without fees, profiting, as well as material selfishness This was easier since they worked at manufacturing companies which enabled them to earn income that they could save and support their families. The drive to inspire many children, both girls, and boys, to go to school increased the number of educated people who could contribute to development in their home areas. After the Reformation, new economic secularism was introduced where trade and religion were two things separate. These developmental activities made protestant cities develop largely. The transformation led by the Protestants made Protestant countries overtakes catholic countries economically. The economic development as a result of the reformation thus started in Europe countries before spreading to other countries. The missionaries influenced reformation in other countries as well, and as a result, economic development took place in other countries. Reformation had a distinct and immediate impact because to the politics. Also, it embraced the ruling of the elite