This One Summer is the story of two girls, Rose age 12, and Windy age 11, going through life and finding that some things are more difficult to understand and more complex than they seem. Rose and Windy go to Awago Beach every summer. They start to develop and grow more than normal experiencing new things that they don’t quite understand, as well as having people in their lives going through emotions and difficulties. As Mariko Tamaki said in her interview with “There’s a certain type of struggle involved in being a certain age, the idea of what’s real and what’s not, the idea of what’s authentic in your life, the things that people struggle with their whole lives- it really starts when you’re a teenager and stepping into the void of “there’s nothing that’s for sure’.” Although This One Summer has some information that can be helpful for someone of a young age going through a similar problem and its overall theme and idea could be helpful for a young child it is banned due to some mild mature themes. For example, it does use some offensive or absurd language. On page 39-40 of the book it displays an example of this, some teens at the local market are hanging out and they start to talk to one another using profanity and calling one another names that may be impropriate for young children. It was also banned for mature themes of which most people cite page 299 where Rose’s mother is talking about her miscarriage which she had last year at Awago Beach, on account of the fact that it is a graphic novel it does include drawings which generally adds more of a mental image . On top of this there is also a young girl named Jenny made an attempt to drown herself after finding out she is pregnant and does her boyfriend does not reply to any form of her trying to figure out what to do about the baby. This could be triggering to some people, but it could also help people better understand what some people are going …show more content…
The banning and challenging of a book is typically decided by parents, school staff, and district officials. For a book to be challenged it has to be attempted to be removed or restricted. It is, again, based upon the objections or parents and school officials. Unlike a challenge a banning of a book is the removal of material that is getting challenged. Most of the time challenges and banning’s are motivated by the desire to protect the children from what people think may be inappropriate content, typically sexual or against a religion or sometimes because it promotes a certain religion. A substantial amount of time censorship or banning of books are inconspicuous, often imperceptible as well as blatant and overt, but none the less