Women are treated as second-class citizens, not only in the United States of America, but all across the world in different countries. It is for this reason that women had decided to stand up not just for themselves as individuals, but also for future generations of women to come. It was that bravery that gave birth to the feminist movement. The first wave was during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. At first it was focused on property rights for women and the opposition to chattel marriage. In the end of the nineteenth century, the movement mostly focused on political power, particularly the right of women’s suffrage. By 1920 the women in the United States were granted the right to vote. The second wave started in the early 1960s and continued into the 90s. …show more content…
It began in the United States and spread all across the Western world and beyond. The second wave began after women were kicked out of the workplace after the end of the World War II. Most of the movement’s energy was focused on passing the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution guaranteeing social equality regardless of sex. The second wave was for women whom no longer accepted the housewife role as mandatory. They fought for the right to do what they wanted with their bodies, fought to end sexual and gender oppression. Second wave of feminism still exists and coexist with what is called third wave feminism.
The third wave of feminism started in the mid 90s as a response to the failures from the second wave. The third wave of feminism seeks to challenge the second wave’s essentialist definitions of femininity. During this time, many constructs like body, sexuality, gender, and heteronormativity were destabilized. Second wave and third wave feminist are uniquely different. The second wave was more for middle and upper class white women wanting equal rights, and wanting to have careers outside of their home. While the third wave includes more people and other minority groups that felt that the second wave of feminism did not address their needs and experiences. The second wave tries to expand gender roles, while the third wave is questioning the construct of gender and how one identifies oneself. Even though there are different motives behind each wave, they are ultimately fighting not only for women 's rights, but also for other minority groups. Feminist protest, so people can have equal rights as all white males in America. It is this driving force that has given birth to; what might be considered modern-day feminism. Modern day Feminists are concerned with reproductive rights, Gender violence, derogatory terms and rape. Feminists have fought to demonstrate that access to abortion and contraception are a woman’s reproductive right. That they should have the right to do what women believe is right for their own bodies. This goes hand-to-hand with rape, rape victims being able to get an abortion without being judge wrongfully, if they decide to get an abortion.