Thieves Of Bay Street Book Summary

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Book Review: Thieves of Bay Street, By Bruce Livesey By Chaavi Shamihoke
Thieves of Bay Street, How banks, brokerages and the Wealthy steel from Canadians, Bruce Livesey, 2012, Random House Canada, p.313
Thieves of Bay Street is a non-fiction crime book about fraud in the financial world written by award winning investigative journalist, Bruce Livesey. Written as a critical study of the Canada’s financial and corporate history, in provides valuable and mind boggling insight into the blatant exploitation of the law, the common man and anyone in the way, by the hands of corporate sharks, investors and hedge fund manipulators. The author sets the tone of the book in the introduction as a mysterious collection of dirty secrets that are about to be exposed to the world as he prepares the readers to ‘lose their faith’ in the financial system. The book is written from an outsider’s perspective who has inside knowledge as the author is a journalist but has thoroughly researched the corporate world. Readers realise in the beginning of the book that Canada, in essence is run by few extremely wealthy people and a large
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Black, a wealthy and successful publisher who embezzled money from his company’s shareholders by falsifying documents and reports pocketed billions of dollars at the expense of shareholders. He is convicted by a former prosecutor of the United States Attorney General’s office, Eric Sussman. When the author interviews Sussman, he learns that he is vary of the Canadian judicial system as he remarks that Black wouldn’t be facing trial in Canada as he knows he won’t be caught or questioned. This along with various incidents critiques the Federal Government which has been in slumber for too long which as a consequence has let the likes of Black and Stronach to thrive and continues their

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