Thi Marge Piercy's The Market Economy

Superior Essays
There are many people that working so hard just to get what they need to pay for the product and the life living styles. It is the same as they are using their physical work to solve their daily problem. Their daily are incredibly busy. This involves with capitalism and society. There are also people that are fighting and excited of the new products and the fake nature, instead of thinking and feeling of what they had done so far. In capitalism, it is all about money or money is the only choice in order to talk to someone. In another word, their body seem like it has less value compare to the products made. There is nothing free. People are working so hard every day just to pay off their bill and getting the freedom that they wanted. Moreover, in today society, people are likely to judge each other by their personal outfit. Like, they are worried about others feeling, instead of themselves. …show more content…
You cannot have everything you want. Most of the items are offer produced, but in exchanged are health and family member. It about the value of the human body. Our life is worth more important than those millions of kinds of products. This poem is involved with freedom. At first, it provides many choices that we can trade in and trade out; however, at the end of the poem, there is no choice to move to another new life. This poem wrote in the late 1973s, and it makes me think about the economy during that time. In fact, it mentions a color TV, which I believe, during that time; there was not much technology, so people might feel excited about the innovation of technology. The tone of the poem is frightening, for example, a baby with crook… lung and kidney cancer (Marge 435). I found no happiness in the poem at all. I feel like the point of the author is trying to get our attentions that we sacrifice our life just for those fancy and new items, yet we never fulfill. What is more important than our own

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