Often referred to as modern day slavery, human trafficking is one of the greatest ethical challenges we face globally. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the human trafficking industry is one of the fastest growing activities for trans-national criminal organisations; an estimated $31.6 billion international trade. Trafficking of humans, in the simplest term, refers to the buying and selling of individuals, particularly vulnerable women and innocent minors for the purpose of exploitation.
A recent report by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has revealed that an estimated 58 per cent of the human trafficking trade was for the purpose of sexual exploitation, highlighting how sex slavery alone is a multi-billion dollar industry. Often lured by deceitful recruiters who provide false promise and hope of a better life, many of these targeted victims originate from unstable environments and are in complete desperation for financial assistance. Devastatingly, it is generally the struggling families of these victims who sell and exploit their own for a pathetic sum of money. One victim has stepped out of the darkness of her past and brought her suffering to light. Australian woman Katie Lang was only young when she fell victim to the vicious world of torment, rape and sexual slavery. Labelled as a ‘violent pimp rapist’, Damion Baston was the sadistic mastermind and recruiter behind the global trafficking ring that victimised many young Australians. From the Gold Coast to Miami, Bastian had sold Katie as a sexual commodity to countless men across the globe. In the early process of trafficking, victims are subjected to a ‘grooming’ process in which they are brutally beaten and abused until they are forced to submit and are deemed sufficiently obedient. "I let go of myself and my soul and let him control me," Miss Lang explained in her recent interview on 60 minutes. Frequently left in a state of severe distress and disorientation, many trafficked victims are threatened into forming a ‘trauma bond’ out of fear for not only their own lives, but those close to them. Lang revealed the harsh realities of her treatment and regularly occurring beatings, in which she was often hung over a fire escape by her feet, forced to remain under scalding water and threatened by the heated blade of a knife. Although Katie Lang is a survivor and her perpetrator is now behind bars, others have not been so lucky. As the sex industry relies heavily on force, fraud and coercion, trafficking in persons poses severe health implications as victims are subjected to both physical and psychological abuse. Alongside high rates of depression, PTSD and anxiety, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases is a serious and very prevalent issue, given that the HIV/AIDS epidemic’s foremost contributor is the sex industry. Innocent young girls are often tortured and raped to such an extent that their reproductive systems are left severely and permanently damaged, depriving them of the natural right to motherhood. It is simply …show more content…
The predominant reason that human trafficking exists and continues to grow centres on the lack of existing reliable data and poor prosecution record of traffickers, largely due to the illegal and hidden nature of the organisation. A lack of government records that identify trafficked victims has resulted in the labelling of victims as criminals and illegal immigrants, ultimately destroying their future in society. Additionally, the corruption of public officials who conspire with traffickers for personal gain and benefit are preventing and deterring victims from seeking help and assistance. Sadly, the people relied upon by these silenced individuals for protection, have now become their …show more content…
Only through thorough research and a personal involvement in the issue did I discover its severity and prevalence. Anyone, regardless of their social standing, has the ability to contribute in abolishing human trafficking. Simply being vigilant and active in reporting any suspicious behaviour or activities in your local neighbourhood can significantly minimise the occurrence of this human rights abuse.
It is men like Damion Bastian, who are willing to exploit human beings to feed their constant greed for prosperity and power that cannot continue to roam the streets of