Thesis For Nickel And Dimed

Decent Essays
Nickel and Dimed Notes

Intro/Thesis: Journalist, Barbara Ehrenreich, in Nickel and Dimed, describes her personal experiences of working low-paying jobs and the struggles that come with it. Ehrenreich’s purpose was to determine the possibility of living off a minimum wage job. She adopts an objective tone in order to show her readers the harsh reality of the workers of the low-paying jobs, poverty is one of American society’s biggest problems, people are working full time yet still sink into poverty

Logos: Author has worked multiple different jobs in different locations but is not able to stay in all of them, takes ibuprofen to help with the pain ( pg. 33), when in Maine (salary being 200/250 for about 40 hrs a week [pg. 60] ) unable to

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