Theories Of Nullification

Superior Essays
Homework #3: What is the theory of “Nullification” and why is it important?

The South Carolina state election in 1832 brought attention to the matter of nullification. Nullification was the act in which a state would refuse to apply federal laws. Support grew in time for the election of the year. A special session is called. An ordinance of the nullification was imposed. Tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 was considered to be unconstitutional. Forbidding the collection of duties in state, favoring manufacturing over commerce and agriculture. The South saw these tariffs as damage to their lifestyle and economy. The tariff of 1816 placed a 20-25% tax on all foreign goods, of 1824 35% on imported wool, cotton, hemp, and iron, of 1828 increased nearly 50% (1832). Legislature made Robert Hayne governor and John C. Calhoun as Senator. Calhoun current VP, relocates to defended South Carolina nullification on floor. Theories of Calhoun would eventually lead to succession. 35,500 worded draft would become the "Exposition and Protest", known as the South Carolina Exposition. Explaining the concept of a state to reject law. Debate reaches back to 1828, Andrew Jackson was elected, a southerner and slaveholder, Calhoun shared much the same, also being a Nationalist becoming symbol for states’ right activism (Grazy par. 2) during the 1820's, South Carolina suffered agriculturally, and emigration would lessen the people. The state blamed the tariff, raising price of goods and lower sales of foreign goods, reducing French and British exchange of cotton. Northerners would criticize slavery. Calhoun took base and believed there was a way to preserve the union. Calhoun wanted to protect rights of agricultural and slave holding. Calhoun's theory sparked debate.
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Robert Hayne vision an opportunity to advocate States rights and context of Calhoun's theory. Hayne saw the larger issue of debate and effect on South Carolina. Arguing the government harmed the Union if it passed laws harming a section to benefit the other. Daniel Webster, on the other side, argued True Sovereignty and if a single state could nullify a law of government, then Union would be a "rope of sand" (Grazy). Also stating the outcome of Hayne and Calhoun's theory would cause civil war. He said federal government could not be judge of its powers.
Much of the Senate was entranced by Webster. Webster, being from Massachusetts, delivers the most notable speech ever to congress, being memorized by school children and printed. Webster had better argument coming to coalition politics of the world. Majority rule and Union meant more to Westerners than theories of nullifiers. The evolution drew more and more toward Webster's position. 1832, South Carolina adopted the ordinance to nullify the tariff and marked as unconstitutional. President Jackson, is said it have called Calhoun and followers traitors, claiming to hang a few. Jackson denied to repeal the tariff apart from lowering rates. Sending troops to Charleston Harbor ready to enforce the tariff before ships could even land. 1833, he then requests a Force Bill authoring use of army to appeal compliance will law. Favor of nullification lessen, at the same time seeking a compromise. Henry Clay began working on the Compromise Bill, which introduced a plan to reduce the tariff over the next 10 years, until 1842. It was not what South Carolina had drew toward, but it got nullifiers from being subjected. March 1883, the force Bill was passed by congress and

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