The Yellow Wallpaper deals with the mental breakdown of an unnamed female character, she is fighting with a mental condition and society, and her Physician husband. She becomes an isolated inmate of a yellow wallpaper pasted on the room behind her bed in a large house despite having illusions of a woman. In the other hand of Poe's short story , "The-Tell Tale Heart", the central character was a genderless person who was taking care of an old man with an abnormal eye. Dubbing it as
"Clouded, vulture-like eye"
The character becomes very distressed and fearful at the appearance of the eye and to overcome that he murders that old man. So, when the plot and structure of both of these …show more content…
The question rises that what’s the matter than if he was good to him and love him. Later we have another statement Hollie pirtchard stated
“The murder of a beloved old man by his housemate and provokes reader into an exploration of the true motivation for that crime”.
Thinking of old man’s eye is only inspiration to assassinate gives the reader an impression that the narrator is unreliable just like in yellow wallpaper. In yellow wallpaper the major point remains on the wallpaper. It is a story of a woman’s struggle in a patriarchal society during postpartum. Her main oppressor is her husband John
“a physician of high standing”
She was in charge of him. The main similar point in both of the stories is the madness of the protagonists, as well as the madness of the narrators. Both of the story tellers present their characters by showing their out of the order activities because of their insanity. They describe characters that in the opinion of other people are insane. In both stories the main character’s decent into insanity is effectively portrayed by their increasingly irrational behavior and neurotic thoughts. In yellow wallpaper she know that the type of strange behavior which she has people find it unusual. This shown when she …show more content…
The language they used to elucidate the systematic chopping is very powerful and cold. Both of the stories were return for two different reasons with differ themes. As we know that tell tail heart was return for the sole purpose of entertainment while yellow wallpaper was written for political reason. Charlotte wrote her story to demonstrate the women’s place in society in 19th century. Both stories capture the reader’s imagination through use of 1sr person. The yellow wallpaper is a story about women who is depressed by her husband and society. The style of the both writers with almost the same art of characterization makes them similar. The both writers were successful in making the object of their stories. The use of syntax and personification were almost the same. The narrator of the respective stories can be assumed as the persons, who are facing the mental instability. At the same time, the point of view of both the narrators borders on insaneness. Also, the first person standpoint. Language which is used in the both stories is very cold, and through language both of the writers elucidate the time of that era. Like, the title of the Gilman’s story “The Yellow Wallpaper” is it self gives a very clear image of that era. It signifies the worst and congested condition of the women. They were suffering from dull and conservative situation. So, the use of language is very much important in every