The Worldly Philosophers By Robert L. Heilbroner

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Economic Revolution In the world of economics, the market system is one of three ways to protect a society from calamity, but it is also a symbol of change. The Worldly Philosophers by Robert L. Heilbroner explains how the world went through an economic revolution in order to have a working market system exist and “it…was not a peaceful evolution; it was an agonizing convulsion of society, a revolution.” (1) Heilbroner’s book The Worldly Philosophers also explains the paradigm shifts of past societies that only knew of a command and traditional economy. Heilbroner gives readers an insight into the history and each style of economy. He describes the reasons why a market economy, or even economics, can’t exist. The idea of the market system …show more content…
In Heilbroner, he gives readers an insight to life before nations. One example is through the merchant Andreas Ryff who has to pay tolls every six miles and be aware of the towns he visits, because “each community he visits has its own money, its own rules and regulations, its own law and order.”(5) Later when land was taken during the encloser movement, nations and states started to form create specific laws, regulations, and money for that region. The shift lead to a sense of nationalism among the people, but also left many families as paupers in the streets. After many generations of living on the same land, they are suddenly forced of the land and without work, because land owners want to make a profit off the land. “…economic land was created out of ancestral estates, and over the wails of protest from employees and masters alike…” (6) The sudden chance came from the idea that gaining profit whether a Christian or not was fine as long as it was for “the greater glory of God.”(7) As ideas began to shift it opened a world where money was not seen as sin, but a blessing from God. The Church of Rome had fallen to Protestantism and people left the old ways to more modern ideas, becoming more tolerant with money. Which lead to wealth moving from the hands of the upper class to the hands of people who “understood money matters.” A technique that lead to the upper class taking notice of individuals who understood money was bookkeeping. The popularity of bookkeeping slowly shifted the movement of money due to the upper class beginning to pay those who could understand money

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