The first quality is commitment, these couples were committed to one another, whether children were involved or not. The couple understands the importance of family and they were “dedicated to promoting each other’s welfare and happiness (Stinnett, Hilliard and Stinnett, 2000). The second quality is appreciation, these couples show appreciation, and they build each other up psychologically. They give sincere compliments and enhance each other’s self-esteem. The third quality is positive communication, couples who have great communication skills understand the importance their words have on others. The fourth quality is spending time together, when you spend quality time with someone; you get to know him or her on a deeper level. The fifth quality is spiritual connection, and I would have to say it is the most important of them all. When you have a spiritual connection with your mate it gives you strength and purpose to hold on to your marriage when the enemy is trying to come against what God has put together. The final quality the couple is able to cope with stress and crises. Everyone deals with things differently, but when you are able to see the positive in any bad situation, you have the opportunity to growth. (Stinnett, Hilliard and Stinnett, 2000). All of these qualities tie in to each other in some kind of way. If a couple has a …show more content…
“Communication is the lifeblood of the marriage. The nature of your marriage is determined by the kind of messages we communicate to each other” (Stinnett, Hilliard and Stinnett, 2000). Trust is very important factor when you are communicating with someone on a deep level. I am sure most of you have heard the saying “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.” That statement is very true. We all have a “predominant style of communication- a certain pattern we use to send messages to other people” (Stinnett, Hilliard and Stinnett, 2000). There are six major styles of communication and it is very important that we as individuals become aware of our styles of communication when talking with others. The first style is silent; this style tends to be non-communication and does not initiate conversations easily. Second style is game playing; this style is one of manipulations and exploitation. Third style is ambiguous; this style is indirect and unclear. Forth style is destructive; this style of communication sends out messages that belittle the person. The fifth style of communication is open; this style is direct, honest, and upfront. The last style is constructive; this style is positive and sends out uplifting messages (Stinnett, Hilliard, and Stinnett, 2000). Couples who use open and constructive styles of communication have strong and lasting marriages. It is also important that you listen to your