Their oppressive actions clearly violate both laws and ethical standards. If not for the salon owners, this whole situation may not exist. They are out to make a profit, and they are taking complete advantage of people who are at the bottom end of society by paying them just enough to survive and purposely ignoring the work-related health risks. The outstanding number of documented cases on the matter makes it shocking that these businesses are still in operation, and makes one question what the American government is really enforcing and what its values truly are. Michelle Miller wrote in her article “New York announces plan to handle labor abuse in nail salon” that “The nearly $9 billion nail salon industry grew by 10 percent in the last year alone, but its 79,000 employees have little …show more content…
From an article in New York Times, “Justice for Nail Salon Workers”, written by The Editorial Board, stated that “Gov. Andrew Cuomo has announced a task force of New York state agencies to fight wage theft and health abuses in nail salons.” Governor Andrew Cuomo has also said in a statement regarding the new measure, “Requiring owners to secure a wage bond will help ensure workers are paid what they are legally owed and that businesses have the funds they need to meet their financial obligations.” If the salon owners fail to compliance this task force, they would receive fines or even have their business shut down. However, loopholes for this task force are being gradually found. Even though his intention towards the employees is decent, his idea of bonding for salons to make sure the workers are getting what they deserve, but such strategy will not last long. Due to “Workplace enforcement in the immigrant economy is notoriously haphazard and limited by language barriers” (The Editorial Board), the state need to hire more translators and inspectors in multiple languages in order to provide help for the workers. What’s more, if the workers are not organized and lack a support system, ill-advised crackdowns may leave them worse off than