The boat only had 20 lifeboats, and to hold everyone they needed 48. The lifeboats had a capacity of 60, with 2,500 people on the ship a total of around 1,300 people did not have a possible seat on a lifeboat. Another reason is that people had placed all of the lifeboats on the first class deck, in panic sailors did not open the gates for quite some time, and many of the lifeboats had left when they did. Titanic was known as the Unsinkable Ship, and people believed that to be true so many passengers thought of it sinking as a joke. As a result, the first 4 of 20 lifeboats went out less than ½ …show more content…
Titanic sank, Dr. Robert Ballard found the capsized ship, people produced movies and musicals, people wrote a countless number of books and news articles, and so it seems the memory of Titanic will never go away. The ship was found September 1, 1985 by Dr. Robert Ballard it was deep in the Atlantic seabed. According to Ballard finding the ship was not too hard with the right equipment, the first struggle was that he had to invent the right equipment. Once he did that he discovered that the ship lay deeper than any diver had gone up until that point. Dr. Ballard specially designed new submersible equipment that could withstand the pressure of being 13,000 feet under water, eventually the new remote control submersible Argo/Jason went down with a camera and several other instruments to find the