Isabella really does loves Heathcliff in the beginning. He is wealthy, sophisticated, and passionate, unlike her brother Edgar. She wishes to run off with Heathcliff to be with him forever. She says that Catherine his holding him back from being truly able to love her. "I love him more than ever you loved Edgar, and he might love me, if you would let him!" Unfortunately for her, she soon realizes what kind of man Heathcliff really is under his passionate surface. She eventually leaves Heathcliff to raise her child by herself. On her way out the door, she even says “And far rather would I be condemned to a perpetual dwelling in the infernal regions than, even for one night, abide beneath the roof of Wuthering Heights …show more content…
These characteristics were what drew them together in the first place. Their love warped as time went on this once blossoming relationship into consuming jealousy. Heathcliff, after he returns from his journey, slowly starts to take everything away from Catherine as revenge. He swindles Hindley out of his land and money, he marries Isabella to demonstrate he can have anyone else, and he teaches Hareton bad habits to ensure he suffers like he did. Love is a complex emotion that can be twisted into whatever the shape the mind can create. Catherine and Edgar treated their love as a contract of wealth and security. Isabella and Heathcliff treated their love as revenge that ultimately end their relationship. Catherine and Heathcliff allowed their bitterness to consume them and in the end, they died with this sense of what could have been. Overall, Love in Wuthering Heights is shown as a force of destruction with slight glimpses of hope coming from the next