Mexico and the United States each had their eye on Texas, and was waiting on the right time to strike. Texas was rich in resources such as lead, and one man named Moses Austin took full advantage of this opportunity. Moses Austin was originally from Connecticut, but moved wherever he could make money. Moses left for Texas, to start a lead mining business, which eventually made him a fortune. Moses settled in what is now Austin, and led his life as a successful businessman. On his deathbed, Moses asked his son Stephen to colonize Texas, and make it a part of the United States. Stephen fulfilled his dad's wish, and in 1825, he brought in over three hundred families from the United States to join him. Because of his early efforts, he is became known as the “Father of Texas”. Stephen’s influence is still present today, with the modern capital of Texas, Austin, being named after him. Stephen is the largest reason as to why Texas was able to become such an important colony. Although Austin may have been the most prominent settler in Texas, many others that came to Texas did not reach such fame. Settlers were not only attracted by the wealth, but by the idea of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was a belief held by Christian Americans that moving west and settling the new land was part of their destiny, and was inevitable. Texas was full of people following this attitude, Thus leading to the …show more content…
The main document behind this occupation was created by Mexican President Anastasio Bustamante. Bustamente created the laws of April 6, 1830. These laws ended immigration to Texas from American settlers, and increased taxes for settlers already residing there. Bustamente also marched troops into Texas, and imposed martial law. After the Mexican military stormed into Texas, a skirmish occurred at the city of Gonzales. This battle occurred on October 2, 1835, and was the first real example of fighting to take place between Mexico and the Texas militia. Both sides suffered minimal casualties, but this battle was the catalyst for the most famous battle, the Alamo. The battle of the Alamo occurred between February 23rd, 1836 and March 6, 1836. The Alamo was fought between 1,500 Mexican soldiers, and roughly 300 Texas militiamen. One significant figure in this battle was William Barrett Travis. Travis was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Texas Army, and was very willing to fight for the cause. He vowed never to surrender and was quoted in a letter saying he would “Die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country” Mexico suffered between 400-600 casualties, and the Texas Militia suffered around 200 casualties. The factor which made the conflict so relevant was the eventual outcome. Texas eventually surrendered to Mexico, and Mexico saw the battle as a victory. However, The