After Brown, the nation made great strides toward opening the doors of education to all students. If the case was up to the people, who knows are schools would probably still be separated. I do believe there are certain cases that the Supreme Court has had to rule on that the people should of made a decision, like the case, like the Apr. 28, 2015 case, The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges over whether or not gay marriage is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution, and whether or not gay marriages performed in states where it has been legalized must be recognized in states which ban the practice. This case I felt shouldn’t even had been a case. I feel telling someone that is in love with other person regardless of race, what church they go too or sex, that they cant marriage that person. I feel like gay people felt as if they wouldn’t human enough to freely do as they please when it came to marriage. I do believe that the general population should be able to vote a little more with things that happen in the U.S. I feel like we are told to vote for people (majors, presidents, senators) to make decisions for us, instead of looking at the cause and voting ourselves. We are the general people; we see and experience most the things the high board votes for. So why don’t we be apart of something that has to do with our city and state. It makes no sense to me sometimes on cases that are referendum instead of the peoples vote. I feel we as the people are not fully apart of decisions that are made. The courts should come in when the people are tied in votes. There’s been too many cases where decisions where made and the people disliked the outcome. I really don’t know why someone hasn’t made this a case on whether or not people should have more of a say then we do now. Where the constitution should come into place. Because we have made it to where the courts have the ability to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, but this is not found within the text of the Constitution itself. The Constitution specifically grants Congress its most important power — the authority to make laws. A bill, or proposed law, only becomes a law after both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved it in the same form. The two houses share other powers, these include the power to declare war, raise an army and navy, establish rules of immigration, and establish the federal courts and their jurisdictions. The government holds some much information about what’s really going on across the
After Brown, the nation made great strides toward opening the doors of education to all students. If the case was up to the people, who knows are schools would probably still be separated. I do believe there are certain cases that the Supreme Court has had to rule on that the people should of made a decision, like the case, like the Apr. 28, 2015 case, The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges over whether or not gay marriage is a right guaranteed by the US Constitution, and whether or not gay marriages performed in states where it has been legalized must be recognized in states which ban the practice. This case I felt shouldn’t even had been a case. I feel telling someone that is in love with other person regardless of race, what church they go too or sex, that they cant marriage that person. I feel like gay people felt as if they wouldn’t human enough to freely do as they please when it came to marriage. I do believe that the general population should be able to vote a little more with things that happen in the U.S. I feel like we are told to vote for people (majors, presidents, senators) to make decisions for us, instead of looking at the cause and voting ourselves. We are the general people; we see and experience most the things the high board votes for. So why don’t we be apart of something that has to do with our city and state. It makes no sense to me sometimes on cases that are referendum instead of the peoples vote. I feel we as the people are not fully apart of decisions that are made. The courts should come in when the people are tied in votes. There’s been too many cases where decisions where made and the people disliked the outcome. I really don’t know why someone hasn’t made this a case on whether or not people should have more of a say then we do now. Where the constitution should come into place. Because we have made it to where the courts have the ability to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, but this is not found within the text of the Constitution itself. The Constitution specifically grants Congress its most important power — the authority to make laws. A bill, or proposed law, only becomes a law after both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved it in the same form. The two houses share other powers, these include the power to declare war, raise an army and navy, establish rules of immigration, and establish the federal courts and their jurisdictions. The government holds some much information about what’s really going on across the