Life in the army isn't what many people think especially for a fifteen year old boy who has many things that he hasn”t seen and done in his short life on this earth. Charley didn’t think it would be much different than life in the regular world is but boy was he wrong. The food he was eating most of the time the wasn’t very good and the only time he really enjoyed the food it was on the train ride to Chicago. I believe that Charley didn’t think that the war would be as depressing as it was. He lost a good friend of his during the war and during the beginning of the book he lost his cool during the middle of the war. He forgot to fire and believed it was all a mistake to join the military. Maybe it was a mistake to join the war he was so young he may not have …show more content…
I'm assuming he knew the risks of joining the army but he may not have thought that it would be bad in other situations such as losing a close friend or having not so good food choices. But Charley also seen some things that he had never seen before such as people of color and places he may never get to see if he had not joined the army. Many people thought that these people couldn't protect our great country because of how poor most of the soldiers were, they thought if they can’t take care of themselves money wise and clothing themselves that they couldn’t take care of America’s citizens. Charley didn’t ever really have a problem with shooting the guns that the U.S. military provided him with. This is mainly because he use to go hunting before he joined the army. Being in the army really made Charley realize that you are really just waiting to die when at war, but he also realized that if people didn’t do this for our country many lives would would be lost even more than the country at the time did. Charley did learn a lot of good adult skills that