This war is an example of how two conflicting modes of economy, present in the same nation, "cannot stand", much like a house "divided against itself. " Abraham Lincoln 's words could not have been more apt; however, he understood the real reason that the South felt threatened. It is the same reason the colonist 's opted for war; because the livelihood and prosperity of their states, their ability to generate profit and therefore survive in market economy, were being controlled and diminished, helped along by acts like Missouri Compromise and the Wilmot Proviso . These acts, aimed to staunch slavery 's growth, and therefore curb Southern profit, were vital steps along the road to secession . The Civil War, initialized by the secession of South Carolina and the rapid forming of the Confederacy in 1860, was an attempt to take control of the economic future of its people; people that depended on the labour of slaves to thrive in business, that felt no economic commonality with their countrymen to the North . In ascertaining the economic cause of the Civil War, it is important to point out that those in the South that did not need slaves for their prosperity, like yeoman farmers and other businessmen, did not overly support secession or a war to keep slavery . This is indicative of the …show more content…
Our third example, while being influenced by wars, is not a war itself. It is the crisis known as the Great Depression, decades after the Civil War and more than a century after the American Revolution . To characterize the Great Depression as an economic crisis is definitely the easiest way to explain it; the survival, the prosperity of the American people was largely non-existent, as employment and prices plummeted, coupled with the displacing and starvation of million across the nation . Banks were increasingly unstable, having either restricted customer access to funds or stopping bank operations completely . Groups like the unemployed WWI veteran Bonus Marchers, and the communist oriented Unemployed Councils, as well thousands of others began marching and demonstrating across the nation to demand relief from then President Hoover . However, it wasn 't until the election of 1933 that hope was given to the struggling. Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal signified to the population that federal government was prepared to wield unprecedented power in order to provide relief for its citizens . Social and political progress was brought to America in the wake of this Depression, purporting our contention that economic crises in America are the catalysts for major change. The major change came in two ways at the start of Roosevelt