Artemis became widely established in Greece; whereupon her Roman counterpart existed as Diana. Controversially, there exists a debate over which goddess, Artemis or Diana, deserves the earliest recognition, but reportedly Artemis maintains as the earliest goddess. Diana’s status within ancient society became elevated due to her association as being highly sought out for temple prostitution. The goddess known as Artemis/Diana acquired her Ephesians form in 7000 B.C; in addition, the her temple there existed in its highest legendary stage around 550 B.C.; which now occurs in present day Turkey. Distinctively, the temple asserts as being one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In all probability, the city became established in the 11th century B.C. by Ionian Greeks. Substantially, the worship of the goddess Diana mushroomed and stretched along the trade route becoming widely acclaimed throughout the Roman Empire, as she existed being worshipped in much of the Mediterranean world, her fame spread into the entirety over Asian. Today, there is a vast amount of archeology findings to support this goddess’s mammoth following of Paleolithic worship. …show more content…
Diana’s recognition becomes named in the New Testament during the Apostle Paul’s travels around A.D. 53-58 in Ephesus, spreading the gospel for close to three years. In particular, the Bible speaks of how powerful goddess worship became during the time of Jesus as experienced through Paul’s confrontation with the local townspeople regarding the goddess Diana. In Ephesus, craftsmen quarreled to the authorities regarding Paul’s