They also question the Fourteenth Amendment. People are starting to think if the Second Amendment was intended simply to prevent the federal government from prohibiting state militias, then states would be free to regulate, restrict, and even prohibit gun ownership, because of the fourteenth amendment. If we have the right to bear arms and it shall not be infringed then why are they state laws with restrictions regarding gun control? If the states are allowed to be in control of gun laws what does it matter that the federal government from restricting because of the fourteenth amendment its making it like there’s no such thing as a second amendment. If there wasn’t the fourteenth amendment then there would be no restrictions in certain states. The government is trying to interpret the second amendment a different way so states can be in control of their gun laws. This is America, The land of the free. If there was a right made by the founding fathers that created this country why are they changing it? The founding fathers didn’t want the government controlling people’s lives but it is. But the one of the freedoms people have they’re trying to take away. Why does there have to be another amendment contradicting one the first amendments given to use to show we are free people! There are a lot of people who live their lives like everyone else; who are gun owners they could use them for house …show more content…
By making a Gun Free School Zone, D.A.R.E, and a Zero Tolerance Policy; Schools attempt to lower crimes and criminal activity out of the learning environment of students; making all infractions equal and are not flexible. I encourage they keep guns out of range of children because majority don’t know the consequences of their actions. There was an act called Youth Handgun Safety Act. It was passed in 1994. It prohibits juveniles from possessing a handgun or ammunition, unless the weapon is used for a purpose. In 2006, the American Psychological Association determined that these “policies have done little to make schools safer. But have contributed to an increase in the negative behavior and dropout rates in some schools. Some examples of current school violence were: In April 2007, there was a School shooting at Virginia Tech. Seung-Hui Cho, a troubled college student, killed thirty-two people and wounded over a dozen others. The Second Amendment is dying. In 1787, when the Constitution was originally adopted, the standard firearm was the handmade flintlock rifle. It was both cumbersome and inaccurate. A trained rifleman was lucky if he could fire more than two shots a minute with a flintlock. Since the Industrial Revolution was only just beginning, this was the only firearm the Founding Fathers knew. Now there are more guns in the hands of Americans. They’re cheap and easy to manufacture, easy to use