Many people who obtain a college degree tend to be creative thinkers, due to what they might study in class. For example, the essay “The Sanctuary of School” by Lynda Barry further substantiates the bad effects of what negligence of education can do she states that “We are told in a thousand ways that public school is not important but children who need them most are not important either. We leave them to learn from a blind eye or the mercy of thousand points of light that can be as far away as stars.” (Barry 101). In other words an individual may likely get unreliable sources of education from somewhere else or they might formulate their own theory which does not make sense. They can be goal-oriented rationalists, and superlatively, a college graduate is someone who can think outside the box. The competence to spring up administrative constrictions and engender imaginative clarifications comes from a college degree and this is what employers are most likely to
Many people who obtain a college degree tend to be creative thinkers, due to what they might study in class. For example, the essay “The Sanctuary of School” by Lynda Barry further substantiates the bad effects of what negligence of education can do she states that “We are told in a thousand ways that public school is not important but children who need them most are not important either. We leave them to learn from a blind eye or the mercy of thousand points of light that can be as far away as stars.” (Barry 101). In other words an individual may likely get unreliable sources of education from somewhere else or they might formulate their own theory which does not make sense. They can be goal-oriented rationalists, and superlatively, a college graduate is someone who can think outside the box. The competence to spring up administrative constrictions and engender imaginative clarifications comes from a college degree and this is what employers are most likely to