The media is a big part of our lives and has become a fundamental influence on the viewpoints and outcomes of world issues. The contribution allows everyone to have freedom of speech, but the media must take responsibility for its part in many of the problems that have been wide spread lately. The media have had a great impact on the younger generation telling them they have to look a certain way or be a certain size to be accepted by society. According to the Journal’s Code of Ethics, “the journalist has the civic responsibility to act in order to establish the rule of law and of social justice”. (Romanian Press Club, Article 7). Social media have become an even bigger part of everyday life reporting …show more content…
They are altering their appearance to look the way society say they should look. The media and magazines play a big part in these life altering decisions because they advertise different weight loss regimens that make young girls especially feel they should be a size 2 to fit in. Because of the media’s constant influence these young people feel the pressure and begin to go too far to meet the challenges of being thin and in some cases the end results can be devastating. The argument in this situation is who should be responsible, is it the parents for allowing their children to go through with these weight loss programs or is it the media because of their constant advertisements of these items? Whether children are spending too much time on computers, eating too much fast food, watching too much television, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or engaging in delinquent behaviours, it appears that parents can rectify the situation by acting responsibly (White, …show more content…
The youth of today are very impressionable and sometimes the things that are discussed and reported on television can have a greater impact on them than we expect. This is why it is so important for parents to take responsibility and limit the amount of television our children are watching. The more you are exposed to the negative things in the media, the more you think it is okay when you see it for real. Some people may argue differently and say that the media should not be censored because people have a right to choose what they want to watch and listen to, but when you are making the decision to expose yourself to things that could instill the idea of bringing harm to not only yourself, but to other people, you should not make that decision for yourself. The amount of violence on television is on the rise and parents have to shield their children from this and talk to them about the issue rather than letting them draw their own conclusions by what the report stated because as we know the media does not always report the whole story. But, everything the media report is negative there are also a lot of positives like the reports of good that people do in society like helping people that are less fortunate and focusing on youth that are doing positive things in the