It goes without saying, that it is important consequences for the geographical disclosures movement which culminated in exploring Christopher Columbus unknown continent, that flowed wide waves of immigrants from Europe towards the new land, and the immigrants the British established colonies on the east coast of North America, which was founded first English colony in 1607 in Jamestown, Va., …show more content…
In 1775 appointed George Washington, the commander of US forces, and constantly uncompromising English attitude, he began the American public accept the idea of independence from the motherland, and in the July 4, 1776 the Congress approval of Independence, which states: »We believe that people are created equal, and that the Creator Announcement It has granted them rights that do not accept the compromise, including the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. » Declaration of Independence roused the enthusiasm of the masses, and the exchange of Americans with victories and defeats English troops, and the turning point in the war in 1777 when American soldiers managed to defeat the English army in New York. France was supporting the Americans in secret, and hesitated to stand by them publicly, even Americans proved themselves on the battlefield. In 1783 the war ended officially recognized by England where the independence of the United States, and relinquished all lands east of the