The Reasons Of Animal Experimentation

Superior Essays
Animal Experimentation
The used of animal in biomedical research has been around millennium years ago. At the present, 17 to 22 million animals were utilized worldwide each year. (Source) Animal experimentation defining that animal testing was to introduce biology lessons, medical training, cosmetics testing, to find new drugs, chemical, and food. The scientists required to performance the experiment on animals to determine those drugs, and foods are safe for the human or not. On the other hand, the majority of people want to ban the animal experimentation because they believe it’s cruelty, inhumanity, and suffering the animals. However, they are blind to distinguish that the animal testing is essential because it saves peoples ' life and assist animals.
The first reason of animal experimentation is essential
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Scientist may have found multiple cures and treatment from the past, but certainly there are numerous diseases and medical problems that they haven’t discovered the cure therefore it has to proceed. According to San Francisco AIDS Foundation “There is no functional cure for HIV or AIDS, meaning that there is no procedure or medication which has been scientifically proven to reliably eliminate the virus from a person 's body or reverse the damage to the immune system.” (6) Hopefully, This disease draws their intention since the people who had this disease didn’t have a cure!. According to (GHO) proclaim on the data “Since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 70 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and about 35 million people have died of HIV.” (7) They are probably suffering and dying out there with those diseases. Absolutely sure anyone won’t wants to effective with HIV/AIDS, so together we need to support the scientist to testing on animal to find the cure more than the

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