On May 10 1775, the Second Continental Congress that all thirteen colonies assembled was in Philadelphia. They had planned to meet a year ago during the First Continental Congress. During the Second Continental Congress, they were set to work on two major tasks such as “to raise and supply an army and to explore reconciliation with Britain” (160). The Americans had established an army, made their own money, and delegates at congress began the act to declare independence from Britain. Some delegates favored independence while others did not. Those that did not want to break ties with Britain feared “to lose Britain’s protection against its traditional enemies, France and Spain” (160), which was important to America. By June 14, the Continental Army was created and …show more content…
Loyalists were “colonists who remained loyal to Britain during the Revolutionary War” (170). Those that remained as a loyalists had received punishments, such as house arrest and while those who fled the country had their property confiscated. However, if the wife remained, the court would allow her to keep one-third of their property. As the cost of war became expensive, the Continental Congress had printed money to pay for wartime expenses. Other states were also printing money that resulted in conflicts in the economy. As a matter of fact, the Continental Congress had a method of repayment, to “borrow hard money (gold or silver coins) from wealthy men in exchange for certification of debt” (175)where they promised repayment. Soldiers were given land grants. However,it had led to prices rising and by the late 1770s had price