The Pros And Cons Of The Patriot Act

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September 11, 2001, a day that went down in history as one of the worst terrorist attacks the United States has ever been involved in. 45 days later, the Patriot Act was enacted. The Patriot Act is a heavily debated law that was introduced shortly after 9/11 to do everything in the United States power to prevent an attack like that from ever again. The government investigates any suspicious personnel then reports back to the US intelligence. Many people support this act, as it makes them feel more protected against these attacks happening again. However, others feel their privacy is being violated and that this law is unnecessary. The Patriot Act protects Americans from potential terrorists and terrorist attacks. The Patriot Act is a fight …show more content…
This law also provides legal ability to tap into cell phones and track citizens cell phone movement. The Patriot Act also helps in obtaining information on past terrorists and how they went through their judicial process. The Patriot Act “allows terror investigators to obtain court orders, issued by judges sitting in a specialized court in Washington, for such records in international terrorism cases” (Anderson). This law provides information that normally wouldn't be available to investigators, and allows them to trace and follow any patterns or suspicions in threats. In addition, this act allows individual records to be available if needed. The Patriot Act is an advanced and safe way to detect and observe any unlawful or suspicious activity across the United States. Patriot is defined as a person who supports and defends their country day in and day out. That is exactly what the law does. Protect our country from any future terrorist attacks. Due to this act, individuals who are planning or considering attacking the US are stopped before any harm is done. The Patriot Act has foiled “30 terrorist attacks on the US since 9/11”

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