Stop And Frisk Summary

Improved Essays
Stop and Frisk are all about numbers. Commonly in each video the discussion of meeting the quota or getting numbers, is brought up several times. Through out watching the videos there were several concepts that I wanted to discuss. My first reaction was stop and frisk should be eliminated, because people’s rights and privacy are being violated. Then I thought wait a minute maybe it shouldn’t be stopped, but rather tweaked on how the stop and frisks are being carried out. I felt that officers should be better trained on these tactics. As I continued to watch on I then realized that the officers are being trained the proper way and that is not the problem. I then came to realize that, the pressure from higher up with in a police department are starting to affect the way officers are conducting certain procedures within the communities. In the NYPD 's stop-and-frisk: Racial profiling or “proactive policing” video it is seen that officers are trained and drilled on how to carry out a stop and frisk. It is clear that in the practice drill it is done with more care, but in reality these stop and frisks are done with anger and torture and embarrassment of the individual. I also found it Ironic that in the What you didn 't know about NYPD 's stop & frisk program video, “books were being cooked” in other words, crimes were being downgraded or even disappearing (Nycresistance). Why is it that there is a main focus to get quotas or numbers on stop and frisks and not a focus on crimes brought into certain precincts? As well as why are these crimes being downgraded and disregarded? I mainly want to focus my reaction on the idea of police departments wanting to reach their quotas and the measures they will go to, to do so. Journalists Ross Tuttle and Erin Schneider from the video The hunted and the hated: An inside look at the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy, interviewed two anonymous police officers from different police departments. They went on to explain how their “superiors push arbitrary and discriminatory stops in order to meet quotas” (Tuttle). Through out the several videos officers were interviewed. Some anonymously because they did not want to be known as a whistle blower and the others, showed face because they wanted to stand up for what was right. Those officers no longer wanted to take part in the unfair tactics of their police departments. Relating this issue to cultures of management cop culture and the street cop culture, “management cop culture has to produce numbers to prove its accomplishments” and “the street cop does not see how any of it helps him do his job” (Reuss-Ianni 92). I thought a police officers job was to protect and serve not to bring in the numbers to reach a quota for recognition of the department. These concepts are not only …show more content…
Stop and Frisk are for numbers and a quota not for protecting the community and that is just wrong and immoral. These ideas all stem from not the officers them selves, but from the police administration through out these NYPD precincts. Our officers are pressured and turned into monsters to satisfy these so called quotas. My reaction to several of the videos that showed recordings of officers using harsh language and disturbing tactics, I was upset and could not understand why police officers would act so barbaric. Then I realized that these officers a pressured to reach these quotas, that they will do what ever is necessary for more 250’s. The police department needs to change their tactics. Citizens should no longer go after the officers, but instead go after the higher up in these departments. My overall reaction of how our departments are treating our officers and citizens is in disgust. Maybe our superiors within the NYPD need to be investigated in more depth, instead of our officers whom 95% of the time do not have a say so, they just do what they are told to get paid just like every one else who works. For our officers who, afraid to speak up because of the consequences of being a whistle blower, please stand up for what is right lets out the superiors for all the wrongs being done inside

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