Christian Temptations In The Screwtape Letters

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Christian’s are constantly being tempted beyond belief in today’s society. This temptation can stem from the smallest things to the largest things, but whatever the temptation is, we as Christians must constantly be alert and ready to brace ourselves against this temptation at all times. Sadly, most Christians aren 't fully aware of who or even what is tempting them. They are oblivious to the fact that creatures outside the realm of what we can see may be pushing us toward that very temptation that we are trying to avoid. This is called spiritual warfare. We shouldn’t place an overemphasis on the fact that these creatures, who are also known as demons, cause every sin, problem, and conflict is caused by demons; this unfortunately is not true. …show more content…
Screwtape tells Wormwood that it is essential to keep the Christian from praying at all to God. “The best thing, where it is possible, is to keep the patient from the serious intention of praying altogether,” (Lewis, 1942). We should be praying everyday, and thanking God for everything that He has done for us. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever,” (Psalms 136:1-3, ESV). They repeat the phrase “Give thanks to the…” three times in the passage above signifying the importance of giving thanks (Smith, n.d.). We can’t give God the thanks he deserves if we aren’t praying everyday. Be aware if you find yourself praying less and less as the weeks, months, and years go …show more content…
However, he approaches it from a different way. Screwtape tells Wormwood to twist what love means so that it is the opposite of what God intended it to be.“We have done this through the poets and novelists by persuading the humans that a curious, and usually short-lived, experience which they call -being in love- is the only respectable ground for marriage; that marriage can, and ought to, render this excitement permanent; and that a marriage which does not do so is no longer binding,” (Lewis, 1942). The Bible gives us clear guidelines on what love is, and how we should love our wives or husbands depending on your gender. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,” (Ephesians 5:25-26, ESV). Paul is talking about an instinctive love here that has to do with the mind. It is a sort of sacrificial, giving, and absorbing love (Guzik, 2006). Jesus’ love for the church and his sacrifice was an example of how a husband’s love for his wife should

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