Their defense is tantamount to sticking a square peg into a round hole (McGrath, 2014). Having a basic understanding of who God is and how He chooses to reveal Himself to all of of creation cannot be overstated.
Revelation, in its most simplistic terms is disclosure or some act of unveiling (Enns, 2014, p. 159). Revelation, in the biblical sense, is how God chooses to show himself to mankind and all of creation (Enns, 2014). It could be argued, that without God’s revelation, it would be inconceivable or impossible to experience anything at all. One of God’s most famous acts of disclosure, aside from Christ (Luke 2:1-20), was with Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-15. In this act of disclosure, God revealed that He existed, and also, signified that He would be the light in a world of persecution (Wiersbe, 2007). Although, God does not reveal Himself in such grand fashion today, the evidence for His existence can be found everywhere through general revelation. General revelation, is defined as God’s way of revealing …show more content…
Regrettably, general revelation does not yield specific information about God ("revelation," n.d.), something more focused and narrowed was needed (Enns, 2014). Special revelation, in the form of Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures, closes the gap and reveals God in all His glory (Enns, 2014). Jesus, as God revealed (Hebrews 1:3), fully represents His true nature and allows us to know Him intimately (Enns, 2014). The incarnate Word (John 1:1), combined with the living, written Word (Hebrews 4:12) of the Holy Bible, provides the human race the means to salvation (Enns, 2014) and insight into our spiritual condition ("revelation," n.d.). The Holy Bible, and the Holy Spirit, as the overseer of Scripture’s human writers, provides us an accurate representation of both general revelation and God’s special revelation in the form of Jesus Christ (Enns, 2014). Because we are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), and possess the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we humans share in His divine nature ("God revealed," 2015). The Holy Spirit, as Christ’s substitute, continues to make known the glory of God to us