The Republicans think we need to put a plan into action about the …show more content…
They want to “create a financial system and an economy that works for all Americans” (pg. 11). They don't just want all rich people to keep becoming richer while the middle class America cannot get ahead. Their main goal is to be fair to everyone. The Democrats do not say much about federal debt because that is not one of their main focuses, like the Republicans. They do, however want to build a better economy for everyone. Democrats want to make everyone happy with the economy, if you're rich or poor. They want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly with the …show more content…
“They are going to fight so that every American has access to quality and affordable health care” (pg. 34). Their goal is to make sure that everyone will have the equal opportunities and be offered the same health care options. They want to make sure that people can have the coverage they want and they want to make sure that everyone is covered. The Democrats want to make sure that everyone is covered equally and at a fair cost. Expanding what the foundation of healthcare is right now, is their key to the goal of letting it grow so that everyone will be able to have the right to