After reading through Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal on the soda ban. I belive he raised some very alarming points. People in not only his state, but in the country are becoming massivley overweight. People are becoming two or even three times their normal size. Some people are starting to look like walking bulldozers. However, Mayor Bloomberg has many points wrong. He belives by limiting the purchase of soda beverages to 16 ounces is going to make a differece. But mayor Bloomberg forgets about the big picture. Yes he is limiting the purcahse of soda drinks from fast food establiments. But what about the other items …show more content…
I belive Mayor Bloomberg has good intentions by introducing this ban, but it’s the wrong approach. If Mayor Bloomberg is going to propose a partial soda ban, why not ban soda products as a whole? Why allow the same amount of soda to be purchased from the grocery store? But not from fast food establisments? According to a study by Harvard school of public health. “People who consume sugary drinks regularly—1 to 2 cans a day or more—have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who rarely have such drinks. (46)” But Mayor Bloomberg will still allow us to purchase a 16 OZ soda beverage? And an unlimated amount from the grocery store? I ask this question directly pointed to Mayor Bloomberg, why not focus your attention on raising awarense? Accoring to ODPHP, “One in 3 children in the United States are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults” This is why september is now known as Childhood obesity month. Where they attempt to raise awareness, and give encouraging ideas to familes. Furthmore I belive the idea that we can go to a grocery store and buy a bag of potato chips, that’s loaded with calories, and is in a bag bigger than the person buying, is