Such as Ambien a sleeping pill, if you do not fall asleep right away while taking this drug it has hypnotizing qualities. When under the influence of Ambien, people are far more open to suggestion, whether there is a third party involved or the user’s own subconscious. This means that you might end up driving your car, stealing something that you shouldn’t take, assault, or any other number of negative actions. OxyContin is a pain killer that is highly addictive, in 2010 more than seventy-eight thousand deaths were caused by abuse of this pill, also user who did not abuse this pill where nineteen times more likely to use heroin. Xanax/Klonopin, used to treat anxiety, causes the user of this drug become a “zombie”; as if they have no emotions at all. Marijuana can also replace alcohol but without causing liver cancer. It can even replace Aspirin and Tylenol and can be used for minor aches and pains. Together, both Aspirin and Tylenol cause over 14,000 deaths in America per …show more content…
88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States right behind Tabaco products and obesity. Alcohol also places a larger burden on the economy costing 232.5 billion dollars annually. Alcohol heavily effects college students. More than 2,000 college students die from drinking related accidents each year. Alcohol also leads to rage in intoxicated people leading to 696,000 assault cases on college campus each year. 97,000 students report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape. Marijuana dose not invoke rage in to it users, nor does it make people unaware of what they are