The Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

Superior Essays
The ongoing debate over whether gun control shall be implemented or not has not only affected the law abiding citizens of this country, but also the lawful second amendment right to keep and bear arms. This amendment was written in strict regards to the public’s rights and was established that these rights “shall not be infringed”, which by the looks of this controversy is exactly what taking away the right to concealed weapons would be doing. Many citizens fear that concealed carry will be arming too many individuals including the irresponsible or dangerous ones, and they may be right. A solution to this problem would be to allow concealed carry in consideration to college campuses as well with stricter requirements and background check processes, …show more content…
By enforcing a strict training requirement and background check on every individual buying a weapon, concern for this problem will no longer be an issue. The reality of it; however, is that “concealed-carry permit holders have better safety records than police forces themselves, and few cases statistically of misusing their firearms” (Huntwork 2), but taking extra precautions never hurts.
Current laws in Iowa allow for the disqualifying actions prohibiting an individual the right to a permit under actions such as any “serious or aggravated misdemeanors” and the usual prohibitions on gun ownership such as a felony conviction (Cramer 2). By issuing these laws in all states in favor of concealed weapons, there is a safer chance of getting the guns into the right law-abiding citizens’ hands. These strict gun ownership permits will not be enough to keep the criminals from going against the system, but it will keep the irresponsible individuals away and out of this fearful

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