11, because they believe carrying a handgun on campus will provide safety in a perilous situation. For example, if there was a school shooting in a closed classroom and one of the students had their concealed handgun on them, some people would think the student will shoot the shooter and save the day. However, in USA Today’s Editorial Board the authors think otherwise and stated, “The odds are small that a capable, cool-headed person with a gun would be at the scene of a shooting, or be able to react quickly enough to stop it.” (“Campus-carry gun laws”, 2015, para. 6.). Also agreeing with the Editorial Board, I do believe that it will be rarely possible that a gunman would go into a classroom with students and a student will shoot the gunman and be considered a “hero”. Who knows the “gunman” could be a student that is in the classroom and knows which one of his or her classmates carry a concealed handgun and can study the layout of the shooting around the concealed carrier. I know if that were to happen in one of my classes, I would not have enough reaction time and I will also
11, because they believe carrying a handgun on campus will provide safety in a perilous situation. For example, if there was a school shooting in a closed classroom and one of the students had their concealed handgun on them, some people would think the student will shoot the shooter and save the day. However, in USA Today’s Editorial Board the authors think otherwise and stated, “The odds are small that a capable, cool-headed person with a gun would be at the scene of a shooting, or be able to react quickly enough to stop it.” (“Campus-carry gun laws”, 2015, para. 6.). Also agreeing with the Editorial Board, I do believe that it will be rarely possible that a gunman would go into a classroom with students and a student will shoot the gunman and be considered a “hero”. Who knows the “gunman” could be a student that is in the classroom and knows which one of his or her classmates carry a concealed handgun and can study the layout of the shooting around the concealed carrier. I know if that were to happen in one of my classes, I would not have enough reaction time and I will also