I am doing my report over the Powhatan Tribe. The Powhatan Tribe is a group of Algonquian-speaking-people that were native to the New World, specifically, the Northeast Woodland Region, before the English had colonized it. The Powhatan Tribe chose to live in this region because the rivers there helped them stay clean, transport places, and irrigate crops easier. The Powhatan Tribe established in 1580 by Wahunsonacock, who created the Powhatan Confederacy that consisted of about 30 tribes. The Powhatan Confederacy was unlike democratic tribes in the way that their leaders had absolute control and their lifestyle was extremely organized and civil. The Powhatan Tribe lived in lush woodlands that had fertile soil …show more content…
The Powhatan Tribe was pushed into the reservations that the colonists assigned them because the colonists forced them into them. There was essentially no say on the matter for the tribe. Although this sounds negative, the Powhatan Tribe could have been pulled to the reservations because they were places that the colonists would leave the tribe alone, though this isn’t true because many tribes lost their reservation, this still could have been a pull factor for the tribe. On the contrary, there were many pulls that led the tribe to the Northeastern Woodlands, the original place of the tribe. The tribe was pulled there for the environmental reasons. That region had fertile soils and rivers that allowed them to shower and have easily accessible …show more content…
The Model shows increases and decreases in crude birth rate, crude death rate, and natural increase rate by migration stage of a place or person. The forced migration of the Powhatan tribe did not affect much of the population of their people. The only thing that might have increased was the crude death rate because some tribe members died during the conflict between the English colonists.
The Powhatan Tribe was not just an unlucky group of people. Many Native Americans at the time were also getting moved into reservations because of the new colonization of the English. In fact, this forced migration of the Native Americans of the New World became known as The Trail of Tears.
Now, a question remains. Was the migration of the Powhatan Tribe worth it? The answer is yes and no. I don’t think that the Powhatan Tribe should have been forced to leave land that was theirs first and have people interrupt their way of living. That is not civil or just to do to any people unless rightfully deserved. So, in that aspect, the migration wasn’t worth it, but the fight that the tribe was willing to put up with showed the tribe’s honor. The tribe showed the English that they weren’t push-overs, so I conclude that if they didn’t put up such a strong front, the migration wouldn’t have been worth it. Since they weren’t going down without a fight, the tribe displayed noble traits that were grounds for recognition