Would he hear?” (Pg. 23) Tony wonders if God 's forgiveness might touch Lupito and God seldom forgives unrepentant sin. Antonio knew Gods laws were not to be broken and what he questioned the most was the fate of Lupitos soul, which breed the start of his religious ambivalences. Antonio wishes to know answers only God himself knows and the frustration in not being able to get answers causes his faith to plummet. How could he believe in a God through mere faith? Antonio’s curiosity craved the desire to know the truth, one of the major components in his character, which leads him into a spiral of questioning and uncertainty regarding sin, innocence, death, the afterlife, forgiveness, and the nature of God. It is this confusion that brings Atonio closer to his mentor Ultima. The safety and comfort Antonio craved from God was given to him by Ultima, whom possessed supremacies far beyond the average person. The answers he sought from God were answered through Ultima, and she soon becomes Antonios awakening, as she covertly tries to make Antonio independent and open minded. Slowly Ultima began moving into Antonios …show more content…
Florence wanted to understand why a God would allow evil doings on a young boy, why he would give life to a boy just to be punished. These were many questions Florence sought answers for, questions that Antonio had been asking himself ever since he witnessed the death of Lupito. In a senseless game the other children wanted Antonio, acting as the priest, to punish Florence for his unbelief and courage in declaring that he had no sin, Tony refused and granted forgiveness instead. Despite the little bit of faith he had left, Antonio was not ready to give up on a God as had his friend, and so he was willing to introduce Florence to a new God, The Golden Carp. Introduced to Antonio as a mere myth by one of his friends, the Golden Carp took the role of a God. Its beauty captivated the eyes of Antonio and he soon began to question whether or not different gods existed. “Could there be other Gods besides the God of heaven” (Pg.238) this