The economic benefits that Marijuana brings to our society are endless. Non-legalizations would mean that our citizens would spend so much of societies hard earned money to continue to implement the rules and jail the “criminals". But upon legalization the economy would occurrence an instant influx. Legalization of Marijuana would also severely diminish crime in our cities and form a more industrious society through its progressive uses. The war on drugs in America consumes millions of dollars yearly. Associating taxes in combination with eliminating the risk of illegal activity will increase consumer confidence. According to the Huffintonpost “The government would save an estimated $13.7 billion on prohibition enforcement costs and tax revenue by legalizing marijuana”( ). With all that money, the government could vastly improve areas in our society. The article goes on to state, “advocates for Colorado’s medical marijuana industry argue that legalization has helped to jumpstart a stalled economy in cities like Boulder and Denver.” It goes to show that a lot of other states will eventually follow the footsteps of these states. A lot of other states will follow especially if the result of legalizing marijuana creates a substantial amount of money. Colorado …show more content…
According to Paul Armentano nearly 800,000 Americans were arrested on marijuana charges in 2005. Shockingly the federal statistics, show that about 94 million Americans, which is about half the United States population age 12 or older have admitted to have used marijuana at some point in the life( ). Minus all the marijuana prevention laws, certain individuals trying to manufacture a livelihood by selling would not be flung in confinement. Today’s reinforcement for legalizing marijuana is at its peak level in 30 years. Corresponding with USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll, subsequently 1996, voters in eight states have approved plans reinforcing marijuana for medical purposes. There is market research that proves in excess of 70% of supporters support medical marijuana. Market research in Canada present partial the population now reinforces legalization. The USA Today/CNN/Gallup Market research found support for legalization “uppermost among 18 to 49 year olds, general public in the West, and independent voters. Resistance was highest among the elderly, those who attend church weekly, and Republicans.” Those individuals commonly don’t undertake alteration or desire whatsoever to be changed. Marijuana should be legalized, if not totally then at least for medicinal