In the beginning Kino didn’t care about the money. Kino just wanted his son to get better. The text says, “And the canoe above him Kino knew that Juana was making the magic of prayer, her face set the rigid and her muscles hard to force the luck, to tear the luck out of the gods’ hands, for we needed the luck for the swollen …show more content…
The text says, “Kino and Juana watched it go, winking and glimmering under the setting sun. they saw the little splash in the distance, and they stood side by side watching the place for a long time…A crab scampering over the bottom raised a little cloud of sand, and when it settled the pearl was gone. And the music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared.” (Steinbeck 90) Kino is finally happy with his life after he throws the pearl into the water. To me, when the book says the pearl disappears it is symbolic to whole story showing that the thing that was causing the evil and greed is finally gone and over. I can relate this to another book I read because in the end it became the complete opposite and the greed took over their lives. It became so much as the man got sent to jail because he was being greedy and