Bush passed the Patriot Act. The act allowed the government to to be able to see any forms of information in which the people had looked at on a smartphone or internet searches. The government could also listen into the phone calls of other people. The Act proved itself on December 25, 2009, when a man known as the “Underwear Bomber,” attempted to pass through security with a bomb placed in his undergarments. It proved to work because it allowed to authority to go through his history and were able to see his means of terror followed by the bomb. “Federal prosecutors insisted that they used the “terrorist” label only to insure that the accused would receive tough sentences. But if that was the only concern, there would have been no need to apply the Patriot Act retroactively,” (Olson). The only question is whether or not the American people believe that the act is necessary or not. The question is formed by the people and that is ‘Freedom or Authority?” This idea is crucial because the U.S. government has two jobs; To preserve the freedom of the American people, and to protect the American people in order to preserve the freedom of them. The opposing beliefs argued that the act takes away their fourth amendment rights. The fourth amendment states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable …show more content…
They have been profiled in the way that they will be accused of attempting something or about to. Islamophobia is the dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force. Islamophobia has begun to become very prevalent within the U.S. There is a 3.3 million Muslim population within the U.S. Tina Jordan writes about her experiences as a young Muslim girl. She remembers people yelling racial slurs at her. A study in 2011, looked at how many people respected the Muslim people and it was found that 55% of Americans have no respect for the Muslim people. This shows that people of the United States have grown bias based on past events. This also influences how people make their everyday decisions contributing to development of how the U.S. has grown around the idea of