Each medium has its own beauty. The artist who works with the medium must know how to use it to procure maximum possible art out of the form he explores. While the novel is part of literature and language is the tool the creator has at hand. He uses words, syntax, figures of speech and more to express his thoughts, ideas and feelings. Similarly, the film has the power of audio-visual representation. Now it has moved over to animation and 3D and even 4D technologies. How the creator uses the resources he has at hand is upon his own accord and will. Hemingway has simply given to us his thoughts and feelings and rummages behind the matter of a novel. The filmmaker may have adapted faithfully yet, he cannot but help leave his mark on the work he …show more content…
Plate 5 and 6 – The many moods of the The Old Man –Santiago while at the sea during the span of three days and nights.
Maybe the old man is too tired and making him speak out loudly does not make any sense. In the book, there are lines that fishermen usually do not speak much when they are at sea. And the old man repeats these lines in the film. In the book, these lines are, there were other boats from the other beaches going out to sea and the old man heard the dip and push of their oars even though he could not see them now the moon was below the hills. Sometimes someone would speak in a boat. But most of the boats were silent except for the dip of the oars. They spread apart after they were out of the mouth of the harbor and each one headed for the part of the ocean where he hoped to find